
Children's Activities: Garden Scavenger Hunt

Recommended for ages 3-8

Looking for an activity to get children outdoors? A Scavenger Hunt is a great way to make garden exploration fun and to encourage children to engage with nature. Adapt the hunt to whatever you have in your area. Want to encourage sensory play? Try adding items like “bird song,” “sweet smelling flower,” “crumbly dirt,” a “sweet strawberry / cherry tomato / etc” that help children use all 5 senses.

Children's Activities: Germination Exploration

This indoor activity uses simple household materials to show children the magic of seed germination! Using a clear plastic sandwich bag, children can watch as their seeds sprout and grow roots! Complement this activity with books including: How a Seed Grows, by Helene J. Jordan, How Does a Seed Grow? by Sue Kim, One Bean, by Anne Rockwell, or What Do Roots Do? by Kathleen V. Kudlinski.